WASHINGTON DC, United States, December 11, 2006 – President George W. Bush praised Montenegro's readiness to participate in the fight against terrorism on Saturday (December 9th), after accepting the credentials Friday of the new Montenegrin ambassador to the United States, Miodrag Vlahovic. Bush described Montenegro as an important friend and regional partner. Vlahovic says he assured Bush of Montenegro's determination to join the Euro-Atlantic structures.
Source: SEE Security Monitor
Source: SEE Security Monitor
I think someone needs to inform GW the real and pressing issues in Montenegro w/repect to Malsors.
Didn't Levin send a letter to Condi Rice about the minority problems? Whatever happened to that? Any response?
Why not draft a petition to submit to the White House, signed by Albanians for Albanians?!?
Where is the Albanian Caucus? THey could draft a similar petition to submit to GW, and be more effective in reality.
Someone help me ....
I don't have an answer for that. Instead of pooling our capabilities, there are individuals and associations too busy working on their self-interetss ...
Yes, a formal letter was mailed to Condi Rice but no response from the State Department so far.
It was a long shot that someone that high up on the food chain would respond, but nonetheless it is not out of the question that we could hear from someone there anyway, ie., Rosemary DiCarlo, Charles English, et al.
I believe it would have been more realistic to have contacted (via the same letter) a U.S. official dealing direcltly with Balkan Affairs (ie, DiCarlo); for the interim she is the highest official that really knows what's going on there, and with the most influence.
Let's wait until 2008 when we get a Democrat in office, then we can appeal to sympathetix ears.
Hillary 2008!!
Hillary 2008!!
Hillary 2008!!
Why? Because Bill will be in the White House again!
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