The charges were formally read against the following:
Vasel Dedvukaj (44)
Doda Lucaj (55)
Gjon Dedvukaj (31)
Anton Sinishtaj (47)
Viktor Sinishtaj (42)
Zef Berishaj (43)
Sokol Ivanaj (51)
Gjergj Ivanaj (42)
Gjon Lucaj (34)
Viktor Dreshaj (38)
Pjeter Dedvukaj (38)
Rrok Dedvukaj (48)
Kol Dedvukaj (58)
Gjon Dedvukaj (60)
Nikola Lekocaj (26)
Mark Ivanaj (53)
Vaso Kolicaj (39)
Malota Bojaj (38)
Doda Lucaj (55)
Gjon Dedvukaj (31)
Anton Sinishtaj (47)
Viktor Sinishtaj (42)
Zef Berishaj (43)
Sokol Ivanaj (51)
Gjergj Ivanaj (42)
Gjon Lucaj (34)
Viktor Dreshaj (38)
Pjeter Dedvukaj (38)
Rrok Dedvukaj (48)
Kol Dedvukaj (58)
Gjon Dedvukaj (60)
Nikola Lekocaj (26)
Mark Ivanaj (53)
Vaso Kolicaj (39)
Malota Bojaj (38)
The demonstration today in DC was timed perfectly to coincide with these BOGUS charges.
Albanians need to step up pressure both in Malesi and here in the Diaspora!!
These (politically motivated) indictments are unacceptable!
I thought there were about 11-12 prisoners; how did they get 18? Are there some on the loose, or being sought after?
By the way, anyone know how the demonstration went?
I just heard that Doda (Doci) Lucaj got arrested today in Vienna by Interpol.
He is being accused as being the ring-leader of the group.
I know this guy, he is a restaurateur in Detroit with a great family, a very nice guy.
Demonstration went by well, Sander Levin showewd up and Eliot Engel's representative also showed up. Our message got across but it's dissapointing that more people don't show up, we're letting Malesia slip away more and more each day, although the Albanian Diaspora has worked hard to "save Malesia" (Check out www.malesiaemadhe.org ARCHIVES section) we can't allow Montenegro to limit basic rights, politically terrorize Malesia's citizens.
So, get out of your comfortable desk chair and do sometihng for Malesia, show up to the demonstraions, donate some money to the organizations dedicated to Malesia (Shoqata is having a fundraiser Sunday night at St. Paul's Banquet Hall), do something to SAVE MALESI!
But, on the other hand, has the international community defined "terrorizt" yet??? I believe that the Hamas' suicide bombings in Isreal, Al-Qeada's hi-jackings and ultimatley killing 2,500 innocent Americans' lives, can be more clearly defined as TERRORISM, rather than a "riot" which has never taken place. All of the demonstrations in Tuz have been pretty damn peaceful so far, too peaceful if you ask me!
Good day,
Good Day,
Doda (Doci) Lucaj was apprehended in Vienna, Austria yesterday, HOWEVER, Interpol released him to U.S. officials and he is expected to arrive in Detroit either tonight or tomorrow night.
This is a tremendous blow to Montenegro because Lucaj was indicted on charges of "terrorism" and was considered the ring-leader of the supposed operation.
Let's pray that the other prisones will share his fate in the near future...
"DOCI" remains in Vienna, under Austrian arrest and awaiting a pre-hearing and possible extradition to Montenegro.
He is a U.S. citizen and there is a strong (100%) chance that if extradited, he will undergo torture and inhumane punishhment.
where can i find more infomation about the guys in jail?
Doda Lucaj is my uncle and the tabloids are a bunch of lies! Doci is innocent and they have no proof of what hes being charged for...Hopefully he gets out soon because his nephew and sister(my mom) miss him<3
Doda (Doci) is in a tight predicament; we are all praying for an immediate release!
We need to press his lawyer to do whatever he can to attack the juducial system and PROVE that Montrenegro will physically and mentally abuse him until there is virtually no life left in him anymore!
As relatives of Doci, stay in touch with his lawyer and push him to fight tooth and nail until he is released.
the demonstration was great yesterday, we showed that we can stand for freedom and that we will take action, althought the first one didnt effect america im sure this one did, it showed our hate against them
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