Nënë Shqipëria - Kosova e pavarur -Tetova - Malësia mbi Shkoders - Ulqini - Plava & Gucia - Kraja - Ana e Malit - Camëria - Presheva, Bujanovac, & Medvedja...
...May 2007 bring these pieces of the "Great Puzzle" closer together, as they once were, and as they shall be once again...
...For it was written ... that only when these "pieces" are placed together and the "Whole" is created that there will be true peace, calm and proliferation in the Balkans ... and only then will the ghosts of the past be put to rest, and along with them we shall put to rest our redemption against those of the Congress of Berlin who in 1878 shatterered our whole...
Peace and God be with everyone -- and -- May God look over the Illyrian sons of the Eagle...
Amen !!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Our Moderator seems to be very optimistic, I love it!!
Along those lines, may the persecuted Albanians of the Balkans be allowed to determine their own social and political ways of life in 2007.
Also, may the hard work of the Diaspora be answered with greater rights for Albanians everywhere!
Finally, may INDEPENDENT KOSOVA be a model for state-building as they become the newest member to the international community.
We need to do as much as we can to save those left behind in Malesia.
As you can see we can not count on our political party leaders on on our religious leaders (Pater Pashku)
comes in and rakes thousands of dollars and would not even talk about the situation!
What do we need our churches/mosques if no one will remain i Malesia?
I hope the new year will bring more understanding between us all!
Malesia will never be left behind, regardless of the mass emigrations taking place today...the Diaspora will not stand for it!
However, I hear your pleas ... we (Albanians from Montenegro) have been plagued by oppressive regimes, corrupt (Albanian) political elites, religious demagogues and intellectual "drop-outs".
The religious institutions are essential in our being; these are gathering places that not only preach religious doctrine, but also reach out to Albanians and stress unity and survival (at least I hope they do).
Then there is the "political" -- religious centers also advocate the social and political injustices being carried out everyday, thus this should be the point where the citizens of the state unite and bring forth their grievances.
Unfortunately for Malesia, this is not done. But back to your question -- what good are these institutions without members?
Not much?
But these institutions should be the starting point where the campaign to keep its members in place (Malesia) should begin.
Pater Pashku and others have not made this their #1 priority, and because of that Malesia is being depleted as you suggest.
I share your wishes for 2007.
Let's not be fooled: the Diaspora is as divided as Malesia.
A News Years' resoltion to the Daispora -- pool your resources, get your shit together and do something constructive!
What is constructive? Get hold of the most talented minds you have and exploit their strengths for the overall good of our motherland.
The people taking charge today are not qualified; although they have the experience (the old-timers that is), we must tap into our intelectual resources...they are out there.
BUT -- here is the problem: The Albanian activits must NOT feel that these young intellectuals are obligated to join their groups/organizations, INSTEAD, why not ask these intellectuals what they think, how they can contribute and how the rest of us can help them????
This si the right approach.
Let's not be fooled: the Diaspora is as divided as Malesia.
A News Years' resoltion to the Daispora -- pool your resources, get your shit together and do something constructive!
What is constructive? Get hold of the most talented minds you have and exploit their strengths for the overall good of our motherland.
The people taking charge today are not qualified; although they have the experience (the old-timers that is), we must tap into our intelectual resources...they are out there.
BUT -- here is the problem: The Albanian activits must NOT feel that these young intellectuals are obligated to join their groups/organizations, INSTEAD, why not ask these intellectuals what they think, how they can contribute and how the rest of us can help them????
This si the right approach.
In order to save Malesia we need to do the following.
1.Register all Albanians in the Diaspora and vote next time around in Malesia. This way we will be in control (the Albanian parties).
2.We have to gather more money avalaible to support the institutions back home and not just send money to our families and they spend it! So far what we have accomplished? Not much!
Besides we need to work toghether more closely. When we speak with one voice in Malesia and here in the diaspora than we have something going!Until then not much doing!
Good luck and Happy New Year 2007 to you all !!!
Yo Anonymous! ... "save Malesia" from what? From whom?
Once we determine what and who to save Malesia from, then we can determine the best course for corrective action.
Save Malesia FROM...
...the "WHAT" -- forced emigration; forced assimilation; academic deprivation; economic stagnation; and backwards proliferation...
...the "WHO" -- Slavic nationalists; Turkish belligerents; and Albanian hypocrites!
enough said!
NOW, can we start...?
Ok Tina, you just might have put your foor in your mouth ...
... You first! Why don't you propose a starting point and let us see where we can go from there.
OH ZOT! Are you serious?!?
If I start I swear it will be an academic essay worth publishing in every international academic political journal.
Don't get me started.
By the way...I have homework for Statistics to finish tonight so I don't have time, haha.
Thank God you didn't say "Platform."
Because we know where those end up...
I've read about 2-3 really good essays about Albanians in Montenegro over teh past eight years, all other essays revolve around Kosova, Albania and other regions.
I think its time for someone, maybe you Tina, to do some relevant (academic) (re)research and writing on some aspect of Montenegro and the Albanian dimension there.
There are tons of theories that apply to thsi region, why hasen't anyone taken it upon themselves to write/research something?
Too many poluticians and not enough scholars, that's what I keep hearing.
Anyway, go ahead write something ... I dare you.
What essays are you talking about because I only know of one entitled:
"Standards Before Referendum: The Content of Montenegro's Future Status Will Depend From the Approach of Majority Towards Minorities"
But this was more recent, you may be referring to some many years ago.
I think that was Ivezaj's work, right?
I am also thinking of the work Janus from the CSIS has written on. He supported Montenegro's independence but frowned upon "regionalisation." Does anyone remember that piece??
What else is there?
o ju lutem mose folni marrina se ju ini te mire dhe ne krenohemi me ju se ini rrite ketu pore do gjana si dini,edhe ashte e natyrshme mose meje dite ashtu si ne si dime shume gjana qe duhete ti dini ju pere ameriken dhe historine amerikane.Situata shqiptare ashte shume e nderlikueme,dhe ju te dashture forumista duhete me ardhe dhe me na afrue ndihme ne qe jemi plakure tashti me keto pune me pa apo ju afrojme,prandaje ndihma juaje ashte e nevojshme,afronju te shoqata "malesia e madhe' apo te Levizja " atedheu na bashkone' dhe ata do tu bajne vende qe te nepni kontributin tuaje.MIRESEVINI TE PUNONI PERE CESHTJENE E PERBASHKET KOMBETARE,DHE JU DUHETE TE BAHENI PAKE MA TOLERANTE> THANK YOU.
Ha ha ha ha … kuku per ty dhe rrethina juve...
Why don’t you take your “MARRINA” theories and apply them to your village in Kazakhstan or whatever hole you crawled out of.
The comments represented in this forum are an objective array of dialogue based on academic and social interactions between the new and up-coming Diaspora whose parent were born, raised, and discriminated against in Malesia, thus their forced emigration gave birth to a new breed here in the United States.
Although most of us here don’t visit Atdheu often, we maintain to have the social and intellectual tools to make careful, informed and realistic propositions simply by the fact that we can apply the misfortune of Malesia to similar problems abroad.
Can you do that? Can you step out of your little box and look at the whole picture in order to see the “real” threat that is upon you? Can you analyze, test, propose and conclude anything relevant to the cause besides your “MARRINA” theory? CAN YOU READ??
I suggest you take your comment somewhere else, perhaps to malesia.org forum where people like you thrive on putting one another down and thus becoming the single biggest obstacle to the development of that shit-hole you call Malesia. Whereas we look for truth and ways forward in extracting the rights Albanians deserve in our fatherland, you seem to stampede on those outside your little circle.
Once Malesia cleanses itself of toxins like you, then, and only then, will progress be possible. And you can tell your Shoqata and Levizja to come join us! Because I am sure your little January 21st meeting will bring to light the divisions and animosities between your circle of deceivers, thus proving once again that your Diaspora (savors of man-kind) are only a bunch of middle-aged men experiencing a mid-life crisis where they feel saving Atdheu is the only medicine to their cancerous egos.
Hahahaha .... well said Mark.
Who the hell was that? Whose dad was that?
Let's take a poll to see who everyone thinks that was?
OK ok, let's not get beside ourselves and stick to the subject matter at hand. Please stay within the confines of the post.
Besides, I think Mark scared the Kazakhstan away.
Chill out people. What he said is true. There is much we don't know, and there is much more they don't know.
We should seriously consider sitting with them and listening, we would learn alot about teh grey area that is not so clear.
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