Podgorica, 19 June 2009 (MINA) – “Tuzi is currently not prepared to elevate to the status of Municipality, given it is not an economically viable area,” said Minister for Human and Minority Rights, Ferhat Dinosha.
Dinosha said that establishments should not proceed with the creation of new municipalities at any cost, where there may be lack of resources and no basis for a budget.
Dinosha recalled that Tuzi currently has the status of Urban Municipality, as part of the capital Podgorica, and added that this status is much more favorable for a future transitional phase where they will eventually become independent municipalities.
"Municipal status should go where local governments allow people to live better lives, and better life cannot exist in territories without money (sufficient budget),” said Dinohsa.
Ku është paratë tona. Podgorica është vjedhur paratë tona!
Dinosa is a hypocrite; he petitioned to the Mont parliament some years ago for a full Tuzi municipality, it was denied without explanation, an d now he is propogating Podgorica's stance back then?
What needs to happen is forcefully remove Ferhati from office, by all means vecessary. HE DOES NOT REPRESENT THE POLICIES OF ALBANIANS IN MONT.
The article in Pobjeda (Koha Javore being the sister edition) was deplorable, providing no statistics data on WHY Tuzi is not economically to operate as an independent municipality.
He goes on to further claim that an independent commune would be disasterous for Tuz. BASED ON WHAT DATA?????
Before making statements in such a careless fashion, why doesn't he provide a summary of the budget dispersion of Podgorica for the last few years and identify how much was allocaed to Tuz compared with other regions.
SHOW US THE BUDGET FOR ALL MUNICIPALITIES IN MONT, actual numbers and how they were received and allocated within the municipal apparatus'
Podgorica will not free up this information, especially in its own enclave with Tuz because they pour just enough money to keep its pulse going, but not enought to allow it to stand on its feet.
Dinosa stop embarrasing yourself with such empty declarations. You're just a fucking pawn for the Slavs!
Dinosha did'nt say no; gjukanovic did. hahaahah!!! Dinosha's just a greedy pussy.
Don't even waste your time blogging on this flagarant IDIOT!
He's an embarrasement to all Albanians!
What the hell does he have to do with announcing this? Who made him God of all Albanians in Tuz?
This message should be coming from urban polanners and economic authorities, not by a Slavic-puppet!
Podgorica uses his lame ass to express all their rhetoric on Tuz, just like an obediant dog!
bless you for that last comment!
Crna Gora's strategy to quell all cries for greater human rights. Put a dummy in power and make him talk like you demand.
A dog? More like a Bitch!
Ferhati is a $2-whore that has been used, abused, and willingly raped by the Montenegrin special interests.
dinosha sucks serba cock. and likes it.
eat shit nigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
enver hoxha would roll out of his grave and slap this tito lover in the fukin face...
Bac U Kry
This calls for war!
coming soon to a Tuzi near you...
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