DETROIT, MICHIGAN USA, June 13, 2009 – The Albanian-American Association “Malёsia e Madhe” congratulates the newly elected officers of “Atdheu na Bashkon” and encourages them to continue their tireless efforts in securing the inherent rights of Albanians in Montenegro.
Given that ethnic bigotry continues to be status quo in sociopolitical programmes affecting communities dominated by Albanian minorities, our organizations will have to collectively pursue strategies designed to underscore these blatant abuses and firmly stand in the path of these calculated ethno-assaults and push back with the tools granted to us by international laws and institutions.
Albanians in Montenegro have grown to realize that when you belong to a minority, you have to be better and work harder in order to have the right to be equal, but when only one ethnic community continues to be favoured regardless of their efforts, it should come to no surprise that discontent emerges, communities become segregated along ethnic lines, and the interests of everyone in the state are harmed.
Our goals run parallel: to permanently erase these disparities between the majority and minority, and do away with these cleavages, that if not corrected in the short term will have grave consequences in the long run. If Podgorica’s political elites want to reap the benefits of democratic recognition as they thoughtlessly rush for European integration, they must first bear the fatigue of establishing and supporting an internal apparatus that will guarantee Albanians the most basic human rights called out by their inactive constitution and made as a prerequisite by international laws. If they fail to fulfill these responsibilities, then we will assert our responsibilities and make certain that Podgorica’s shortcomings do not go unnoticed by international monitoring bodies and European member states and institutions.
We welcome Levizja’s new administration and look forward to collectively working to appease these aforementioned problems.
Very nicely put.
Given that "Malesia e Madhe" of Detroit has the largest ALbanians from MZ population outside MZ, they are expected to (re)act in all policies affecting minorities in that country, especially the recent phenomemnon of settling Bosniaks in Albanian territory.
Podgorica is playing with fire, and if they think that Albanians will sit idle and watch foreigners inhabit their historic land, they are very naive indeed.
What requires attention is policy-making in the halls of parliament; although we have four deputies in rep positions, they need to collaborate on issues delaing with the fate of minorities and agree on how to move forward/act on legislation. The Albanian-Club in PArliament they have thrown around is only good if it brings these deputies to agreed upon conclusions. But be very careful, now with Dinosha a Minster in teh most controversial post in all MZ (minority affairs), Albanains can have an up-hill struggle. One would think that an ALbanian in that post will bring about change, but Dinosha is no Barack Obama, the only change hee promises is one that will forever secure his luxurious life-style, bank-rolled by the DPS. Transperency is null and void in this country so do not expect much from this despot.
MZ's rush for EU integration should be a top priority for all NGOs and Albanian MPs; to highlight minority abuses and breaches of international human rights contracts are not only clearly evident, but also on-going with no relief in sight. Now is the time to point this out to the international community -- a letter a week to the commission is a start, demanding that an independent body (auditor) look at the current situation re minorities in MZ deeper than just observing what is going on on teh surface. Go in and review complaints logged by the citizens, by international monitoring agencies, and Podgorica's responses thereof. TAlk with the prisoners and one will clearly realize that judicial review is obsolete in a country that defends human rights. Review the implementation of their constitution and you will see that it remains idle and in no way does it protect minorities from laws created by the UN Charter, Framework, EU statutes, etc.
We are all in this together, and should keep the stragle hold on MZ until they allow Albanians to live peacefully under laws that were created to protect them from a corrupt and bigatory majority.
Montenegro's only war throughout her ragged history has been with ALbanians, no one else, and they still have not conquered their oectives, nor will they.
I also welcome the unity and partnership displayed in this congratulatory letter to HUU, congrats!!!!
- Nik G.
To your point I whole-heartedly agree that there are those in Malesia that are cauring harm in ways that the greater populace cannot see clear enough.
I mean for Allah's sake, did you read the bullshit Nik Gjeloshaj wrote in KJ? Whose side is he on?!?
It our our great tragedy that we tolerate people like him and Camaj, the solution is simple: alienate them ata ll costs!!
ne do të punojmë së bashku dhe Mali i Zi shtyjët mbrapa për në Rusi
What about the other organizations in the Diaspora: Fondi, Kraja, Ded-Gjo-Luli, etc., etc.?
Don't be naïve. Those other orgs that you mention exist by name only. They consist of 2-3 members that have done absolutely nothing since their birth. Just a bunch of neomarxists that think they can do something but must first learn to write their names.
Good, hopefully Albanains from Montenegro learn a lesson from the Diapora's unity. This shows that individuals and Albanain orgaization are committed to the cause, and not to the individal aspirations and other non-sense bollshit!
There are "individual" aspirations here in the Diaspora too.
People get a little money in their pockets and think they can buy their way into realpolitik.
Your "Diaspora" would have much more credibility if those retauranteers, painters, construction workers, used-car salesmen, and real estate agents would get the hell out of the way and leave the politicizing up to those that know what they are doing.
Paloka Camaj,
Urime sir! there should be no excuse to go for therir jugular.
Answer this question: How many more excuses do you allow Montenegro to spit from their lips before you all realize there is no sunstance to their claims????
Either you people open your eyes and change course or get used to the same old lies Podgorica has been perpetrating all along.
Ferhat Dinosha should be your first target! He wants to by Minister of minorities, well then ... put the strangle hold on him and make him back up all his claims that socio-political spheres of Albanian life are fine.
Make him earn his Euros, including those extra wages he receives in cash from the DPS on the side for quashing Albanian rights.
Go after him, he has the post that merits your attention and challenge.
Trust us, there are ways to get under his skin, and once he relinquishes, he is finished!
Allow me to say this: Albanians in MZ can learn a lot from this declaration from Shoqata.
Many people in MZ wrote off unity between the two organizations, but as we always said -- THE CAUSE IS GREATER THAN INDIVIDUAL INTERESTS!
I remember the day; I was sitting in a cafe in Tuz enjoying a Turkish kafe and could n't help notice two gentlrmen besides me debating the consequences of DPS leadership in the Urban Municipality of Tuz. One argued that the only change that will happen is if the DPS has teh majority, while the other asserted the opposite: Albanians all the way. Both of these men were Albanian, one was Gjokaj and the other was Camaj.
Later that same day I decided to grab a bite to eat at Troya restaurant so a few friends and I pulled up to a parked car playing Montenegrin music, I think it was Sako: "Ona je ljepsa od noci."
The driver sitting in his car a bopping his head back and forth was an ALbanian from Traboin.
Inside the restaurant we waited for our server, who finally walked up and asked, "Izvolite?"
We looked at one another in astonishment and repled, "ju lutem, na thrret nje Shqiptare me na sherbye." After he shook his head, we got up and walked out, promising never to return.
We drove back up the mountain and into my grandfather's house where we ate buk, djath, domate, and kos.
The moral of this short story?: Your battle is greater than you may think, and it waits in your very own backyard.
~ Simon
Just another day in "Paradise"
More like "Gangster's Paradise"
Shoqata"Malesia e Madhe" me kryetar Gjergj Ivezaj jan njerz qe mire i kuptojne interesat e Malesis. Por ature u nevojitet edhe me shume perkrahje per te be me shume pune per interesa te Malesise qe ka shume nevoje per ndihmen tone.Duhet ta dime se Malesia eshte ne rrezik, dhe nese nuk ndermerret dicka shpejte ne keto 2-3 vjete egzistenca e saj do te jete ne pyetje. Malesia do te egzistoj por jo shqiptare.
I do not understand then why Albanians in Montenegro do not do more to safeguard its own existence? Assimilation and depopulation of the Albanian regions in Montenegro have been a problem since Montenegrins took control of these regions 1878. Albanians in Montenegro need to wake up and be alert, their attitude toward Albanians has not change, and Gjukanovic is another cone-artist, which precisely is following his ancestors’ goal: assimilate or force the Albanians to flee their ancient lands.
Montenegro has trained some Albanians to be their emissary at the expense of other Albanians, that is a sad case, but that is a fact!
By uniting their efforts, these 2 organizations have shown political and professional maturity that some their members have. Congratulations!
Yes, you are right, some members of these two organizations are intellectually capable of producing first-class work, defending and protecting Albanian rights in Montenegro. Albanians that live in Montenegro need to pay more attention to their work!
......"Montenegro has trained some Albanians to be their emissary at the expense of other Albanians, that is a sad case, but that is a fact!".......
They have continuously divided the Albanians in Montenegro and caused havoc of goliath proportions.
The more havoc and fear they inject into our communities, the more secure their positions become.
Podgorica has "human video-suveillances" throughout Tuz, Ulqin, Ana e Malit, Kraja, etc. and they are the same ones we watch on TV, read in the local papers, and read about on malesia.org, and we call them out "leaders?"
They are not my reps, nor my leaders, they are the cancer that was planted by Podgorica to eradicate any progressive thinking in Malesia, Ulqin, etc.
You know its amusing, you hear all these messages coming out of MZ from Albanias, like:
"Don't trust Levizja, they work with MZ, they will destroy Malesia, Ulqin, et al."
Then ... "Don't trust Shoqata, they have spies within their organization, they work with MZ, etc."
And ... "Both Levizja and Shoqata are corrupt, why else will they not work together?"
These above-mentioned comments come from those with this same objective clearly in thier mind and spirit -- create divisions by making empty accusations.
They have no idea how to work together in MZ, they are all bred from the same seed: communism, facism, corruption, and greed!
In the interim, however, the best chance to make a dent in the strangle-hold Dukanovic and his cronies have on Albanians is to support the unity of Levizja and Shoqata as they work together (and if Albanians from MZ get in the way, step on and over those mother-fuckers, because they are no different than the Slavs that put them to work!)
Have a nice day.
BE mindful that Albanians don't know shit over there, and then they try to justify their existence by disrupting something they cannot compete with and call it a sham.
I mean, seriously, how many Albanians in Mont, esp in Malesija do you have that have broad and real political experience? None that I can think of, and even if they do they work for Mont.
People over there don't undertsand the democratic process involved in "elevating" their right to exist. As the post rightly asserts, they only know teh "status quo" and are terrified of change, because they think that it ionvolved shaving or brushing their hair (well not exactly, but you get my meaning).
That is why when you read comments to Levizjas or Shoqatas postings on malesia.org, people there reply with baseless comments, only to defeat the intent of making their lives better. They do not understand what the Diaspora is trying to establish for them because they have no experience with people helping them, only those promising change and then sticking a knife in their back.
So they monitor the Diaspora in teh same way.
But you know what, who cares! Let savages be savages, they will eventually learn that the state they pay tribute to will only stifle their very existence.
never turn your back on your own, especially when you have a well-rounded organization from abroiad trying to help you by utilzing every international mechanism available.
Shame on those villagers.
A huge advantage for the members of the Albanian Diaspora is the human resources. Diaspora has individuals that are incorporated in many American institutions with the remarkable leadership skills and knowledge; individuals that have successfully managed various advanced-projects; experts on international law; individuals that can publish and present research work; individuals that can investigate, observe, and assess current socio-political situation of Albanains in Montenegro; then, if Albanains in Montenegro are not going to utilize this academic potential…. then, they are purposely failing themselves!
Wake up!!!
I must say that this is best news out of Diaspora in long time.
I am proud that my people at least get along in Amerika.
We should take their example from here in Ulqini.
Please help us and get us our rights
I agree 100% !!! Including what stated below; these same Construction, Real-Estate, Restauranteurs have done more than anyone else!
With their support and money, it NOW up to our educated Albanian-Americans! Lets not let this opportunity slip away. Lets learn something from the Jewish lobby in D.C. (AIPAC)!
Anonymous said...
A huge advantage for the members of the Albanian Diaspora is the human resources. Diaspora has individuals that are incorporated in many American institutions with the remarkable leadership skills and knowledge; individuals that have successfully managed various advanced-projects; experts on international law; individuals that can publish and present research work; individuals that can investigate, observe, and assess current socio-political situation of Albanains in Montenegro; then, if Albanains in Montenegro are not going to utilize this academic potential…. then, they are purposely failing themselves!
Wake up!!!
Addition to previous comments: It's an uphill battle for the Disapora especially when the reps in Mont are not on board. We must ID Albanian Reps in Mont and remove them out of office! When that is done, the disapora can work toward their goal with less obstacles.
"these same Construction, Real-Estate, Restauranteurs have done more than anyone else!"
Tell me blogger, what have they done? How is Malesia better off today because of them? Answer me that one question!
"With their support and money, it NOW up to our educated Albanian-Americans! Lets not let this opportunity slip away. Lets learn something from the Jewish lobby in D.C. (AIPAC)!"
Tell me another thing, blogger: Where did their money go? Do us educated people have a fund to draw this money out so we can now do real work? The answer is NO!
You want a lesson from teh Jewish lobby?
Jews that are wealthy, businessmen, and philanthropists ... they contribute by allocating their wealth to bright scholars and allowing them to do the "intellectual" work. Don't get me wrong, business men are smart too, but when it comes to politics and academia, leave it up to the experts, right? Well, that's the approach they take, find a Jew the best and brightest stars out there (who are Jews of course) and watch them throw money at them, support them, promote them, elevate them, and you know what the end result is?
Now ... do you think Albanains are ready for that type of committment?
I thought not.
why in the world would you want us 2 become like aipac?
if you want 2 help your own use your own money put your money wher your mouth is and go back ther and live in mali zi... dont become cowards like aipac and hide behind your bank account and the US ARMY(WE ALL KNOW THEY ARE COWARDS).. i thought we were better then that DONT BE A COWARD ...FRIGGIN DOPE.. I WOULD NEVER FIGHT FOR ANYONE THAT CANT FIGHT FOR THEMSELVES
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