Monday, November 14, 2011
Detroit Fundraiser Huge Success "For Malësia"
ROCHESTER HILLS, MI, Sunday November 13, 2011 – The Albanian-American Association “Malësia e Madhe” hosted their annual “For Malësia” fundraising dinner last night at St. Paul’s Albanian Catholic Church and Community Center. The occasion brought together Albanians from across the United States and from different sectors of the business, legal, medical, academic and political communities.
Gjergj Ivezaj, chairman of the Association, thanked everyone for supporting Malësia and the numerous projects over the years, which recently included the construction of a home for an impoverished family whose sons were tortured by Montenegrin authorities in the 2006 “Eagle’s Flight” case. The $60,000 raised for the home is just a fraction of a decade-long list of services directed to building the social, economic and political infrastructure in Malësi. Of the nearly $500,000 raised by the Association, 100% of the monies have gone directly to the Malësia cause.
On this night the Association raised an impressive $26,000, and while all the expenses at St. Paul’s were paid by the church, all of the money will go directed towards future projects aimed at helping the region defend itself from the discriminatory policies levied by the Montenegrin government.
The highlight of the evening came when the chief administrator of St. Paul’s, Father Fran Kola, gave a heart-warming speech on his support for Malësia and dedication towards helping the Association by any means necessary. Fr. Kola emphasized the urgency in aiding Malësia “Now”, and repeatedly called out the unfair treatment of Albanians in Malësia as a policy designed to eradicate an entire ethnic group from their national homeland. The crowd gave Fr. Kola a standing ovation as he concluded his remarks by stressing that, “What we need to understand, and what the international community needs to come to grips with, is that Malësia has only one path towards guaranteed freedom, liberty and justice for Albanians, and that is the road leading to unification with her natural state.“
The evening concluded in a jubilant mood, and those in attendance pledged their continued support for the future of Albanians in Malësia. The buzz throughout the evening centered on the upcoming 10-year anniversary of the Albanian-American Association; preparations were already beginning for a much-anticipated gala that is expected to set a fundraising record for the 2012 “Malësia Project.” Although the details were not made public, the "Project" promises to be the most comprehensive plan to date in dealing with the discrimination fo Albanians in Montenegro.
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My wife and I thought this was one of the best events we attended in many many months, in fact the testimony given by Dom Frani was the best speech (on Malesia) we heard from an Albanian priest in decades. This God-sent man is nothing compared to Dom Antoni, who always seemed to struggle with his words in supporting Malesia. But Dom Frani got to the point and was very direct, never mincing his words. No one should have spoken after him.
I am so happy to hear that so much money was raised, God bless Malesia! Or as I read in the previous article, "God Save Malesia".
If I could change anything from last night, I would have NEVER allowed that scum-bag Luvigji Gjokovic to speak! I overheard someone at my table say, "Why does Jesus allow Satan to come into His house?"
I wasn't there but my brother told me all about the event. He admitted that he was very surprised at the strong showing. Last year there were not even half the amount of people present last night.
He also said the speeches were boring as usual, with the exception of the priest who make some very strong argumanets against Montenegro. That's what we need, a strong community leader who can mobilize the crowd.
Ah yes, the blogger above is so correct, that son-of-a-Slav Luig Gjokaj put a black spot on the entire evening I was told. People actually got up and walked out. Why on earth would Malesor allow him to show his ugly face? He is a spy for Podgorica and plays along as a patriot!
Anyhow, I hope the money raised is used for a good purpose. And this "Malesia Project" sounds intriguing ...
Ju lumte Shoqates " Malesise se Madhe" per ket sukses te madh. Shifet se kjo shoqate eshte e organizume mire, dhe se kjo shoqat din ta mobilizoj Malesoret ne Detroit per Malesi.
Dom Fran Koles, i lumte goja, ashtu presentohet ceshtja e Malesise. Fjalet e tije jane shume te qelluara dhe shume te mireprituna per ne ne Malesi.Kishte me qen mire per ne ketu ne Malesi, sikur Fritnit dhe Hoxhat ton te ken nje qendrim te till per te drejtat tona nacionale!
Zoti e bekofte, se besa fjalet e tije jan te qaellura shum mire.
So, what's the money going to be used for?
Just curious.
Enough with that son-of-a-bitch Gjokaj!
The money shoudl be used exclusively for political development (here in the Diaspora) for Malesia.
Why not arrange for an independent (but qualified) body of intellectuals who will work collectively on political issues re Malesia? These intellectuals will contribute by what they know best: analyzing, writing, speaking, presenting, arguing, petitioning, advising, consulting, and most importantly: saving Malesia.
And get this: Everyone needs to support them!
And: We pay for their services!
Hell, we already pay congressmen to come to our communities and speak for 1-2 hours on subject matters they fail to fulfill, and still walk away with thousands of dollars in their pockets.
Remember people, all elected officials care about is RE-ELECTION, nothing less! This is a fact. They are single-minded in these regards. Why do you think the State Department is harder to deal with than your local congressman? Simply because an under-secretary or desk officer does not need to appease you in any way because he is not collecting money nor votes from you. On the other side, Engel, Peters, Levin and others will speak music to your ears as long as you schedule fundraisers and send Benjamins their way.
Why not pay an ALBANIAN who is a true patriot and is qualified to do even more than the others?
Until this concept is adopted by our community, the money will never be spent wisely !!!!!!
Your goals should be as follows:
Petitioning international legal organs to remove Bosniak settlements from Albanian territories in Malesia.
Organizing and uniting the whole of Albanians through effective local and international means in accordance with the laws of each country.
Strengthening of the Albanian national sentiment and national consciousness in Malesia.
Preparatory steps toward obtaining the consent of governments, where necessary, in order to achieve the goals of Greater Albania.
The goals of the Albanian intellectuals in the Diaspora need to include:
1. The unity of the Albanian people, its bond to its national homeland Albania, and the centrality of Malësia in the life of the homeland;
2. The effective integration of all (Albanian) immigrants into Albanian Society.
3. Strengthening Malësia as an Albanian and democratic territory and shaping it as an exemplary society with a unique moral and spiritual character, marked by mutual respect for the multi-faceted Albanian people, rooted in the vision of the Illyrians, striving for peace and contributing to the betterment of the world.
4. Ensuring the future and the distinctiveness of the Albanian people by furthering Albanian education, fostering spiritual and cultural values and teaching Albanian as the national language;
5. Nurturing mutual Albanian responsibility, defending the rights of Albanians as individuals and as a nation, representing the national Albanian interests in Malësia, and struggling against all manifestations of ethnic discrimination by Montenegro;
Kto jane propozime te shkelqyeshme dhe ma se te nevojshme.Por ata qe munde te bejne dicka duhet t'i tregojne dikujt dhe te fillohet te punohet. Per pare nuk do te kete problem, por duhen njerzit kompetent.
Neqoftese e marrin ne dore intelektualet, atehere njerzit si Luvigji apo dikush tjeter nuk kane vende aty.
Ju keni intelektuale shume kompetente, kohe e tyre po vjen.
Kur arrijne, mbeshtetjeni diturien e tyre.
Eshte e vertete se ka intelektual mjafte. Por ajo nuk mjafton, kerkohet me shume: si dashuri per vendelindje, perkushtim per te, si dhe sakrifice ne disa aspekte. Me perjashtim te disave, keto elemente shumices u mungojne. Shprehesojme se do te kujtohen se kush jane dhe prej kah e kane prejardhje dhe ta kryejne obligimin e tyre moral dhe kombetar. Nuk ka gje me te shejte se ti ndihmohet dikujt kur ka nevoje, e sidomos popullit tende.
What is the "Project"?
Please wipe out UDB agent Ludvic Gjokovic!!!! He will continue to be a cancer to MI Albanian community.
Some great words to hear from Father Kola...
The crowd gave Fr. Kola a standing ovation as he concluded his remarks by stressing that, “What we need to understand, and what the international community needs to come to grips with, is that Malësia has only one path towards guaranteed freedom, liberty and justice for Albanian, and that is the road leading to unification with her natural state.“
Hopefully Unite!
Bashkimi Kombetar/United Albanian!!!
There is only one way to fight cancer. Prevent it from spreading.
Or, in other words, say what you want to say ...
Perhaps you can give that money to Pal Dreshaj and Eddy Ujkaj, who were fired last week from Komuna Urbane for speaking their mind.
Classic case of how political firings is a strategy to shut up Albanians in Montenegro.
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