TUZ, Malesia e Madhe, 29 March 2009 -- Albanians have voted and the results show that four (4) Albanian seats will be taken by four different parties. Ferhat Dinosha (DUA) was the highest vote-getter, followed closely between FORCA/Albanian List, and the Albanian Coalition, Perspective.
Milo Dukanovic and the DPS have received a majority (50.5%) securing their grip on power for the last two decades.
It is also important to note that, according to the CDT, Dukanovic and the DPS received one of the five mandates in the Albanian election constituency. Still, because of the specific method of calculating the votes and the fact that results in the main constituency can flow over into the special constituency to these parties, it is possible that the DPS will end up with one of these mandates. Therefore, the DPS has the chance to have between 46 and 48 mandates.
The final results are as follows:
DPS, Milo Dukanovic -- 46 seats (50.5%)
SNP, Srdan Milic -- 16 seats (17.3%)
Nova Srpska Demokratilja, Andrija Mandic -- 8 seats (9.3%)
Pokret Za Promjene, Nebojsa Medojevic -- 5 seats (5.9%)
Narodnjacka Koalicija -- 2 seats (3.1%)
DUA, Ferhat Dinosha -- 1 seat (1.7%)
FORCA, Nazif Cungu -- 1 seat (1.3%)
Albanian List, Mehmet Bardhi -- 1 seat (1.3%)
Albanian Coalition, Perspective -- 1 seat (1.1%)
As of 9:00 p.m. local time, voter turnout had reached 65.2% or about 324.850 citizens.
The highest turnout is in the northern region at 67,1%, in the central region, 65,7% of registered voters have voted, and in the south 61,3%.
Keep holding your bretah people, DPS is calling for a recount in Malesia saying that the numbers between the DPS, Perspektiva, and Lidhja were too close to call.
Read the middle paragraph of this post, the part about the "special method of calculating."
I don't like this.
Vjesti is reporting that the DPS might have enough votes for 2 seats in Parliament from the special Mandate.
If this is so, then it will take the seat away from the Albanian Perspective Party and Vasel Sinishtaj.
The margin of error was +/- 1%, and Perspective was below that.
This is gonna get very interesting.
According to the CDT, there are five seats reserved in the special mandate (5 seats reserved for Albanians).
Now, as of right this momemnt, the five seats are filled: DPS has one and the other 4 Albanians parties have one each too.
BUT, the DPS is contesting that they have received over 5000 votes, which would afford them two seats instead of one.
They claim that the votes for Perspektiva were counted wrong -- that they received too many, and with a re-count, it will show that the DPS (in the Albanian region, and Nikolle Gegaj as their DPS puppet) received well over 5000, more than enough to secure 2 deputies in Parliament.
If this is true, then they would take the seat away from the candidate/party that received the least votes -- in this case Vaseli and Perspektiva.
Let the politics begin ...
Forca Urime! Urimet më të mira në parlament!
Luftoni për të drejtat e Shqiptareve
Yes, the DPS has already won a seat in the special mandate constituency, but may have another depending if the re-count takes place, and if that happens, then its a zero-sum game for one of the other Albanian parties, the one with the lowest votes.
But what gets me is this, if Albanians are so disgruntled with the politics and policies of Podgorica and Ferhat Dinosha, then why did these two parties receive teh most votes from these same Albanians?
The DPS has around 5,000 votes and Ferhati is not far behind with 4,800, that is almost the same as the other three parties put together.
Aleksandar Vasovic
PODGORICA, montenegro – Sunday's parliamentary election in Montenegro complied with international standards but the country's democracy needs improvement, international observers said today after the prime minister claimed victory.
The vote "met almost all OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and Council of Europe commitments, although the process again underscored the need for further democratic development," the International Election Observation Mission in Montenegro said in a statement.
"A key challenge is public confidence; frequent allegations of electoral fraud and a blurring of state and party structures have created a negative atmosphere among many voters."
There are TWO polling stations that are being recounted, and as a result, the new government will not take shape until late April.
Unrelated but interesting article!
Nato welcomes Albania and Croatia
Nato was formed to counter the threat of post-WWII communist expansion
Albania and Croatia have officially joined the Nato military alliance.
The two states became Nato's 27th and 28th members after their ambassadors to the US filed their instruments of accession at a ceremony in Washington.
Correspondents say Nato wanted to mark its 60th birthday at a summit this week with a symbolic expansion into a region which only a decade ago was at war.
Croatia's accession had been threatened by a border dispute with Slovenia, which only withdrew its veto on Monday.
Macedonia, another former Yugoslav republic that had also hoped to join Nato this week, has not been able to because of a row with Greece over its name.
'Share of responsibility'
Albania and Croatia's long-expected accession came after all of Nato's member states submitted ratification documents.
After Wednesday's ceremony at the US state department, Croatia's ambassador said his country intended to assume its share of the security burden in Afghanistan, where Nato leads the 55,000-strong International Security Assistance Force (Isaf).
"We are determined to take our share of responsibility for global peace and stability in places such as Afghanistan but also in other parts of the world," Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said.
His Albanian counterpart, Aleksander Sallabanda, said Albania was "ready to take up all the challenges and responsibilities that participation in the alliance entails".
"In this context, we will work with responsibility and constructively with our partners to strengthen the... alliance to protect our common values," he added.
Both countries will be welcomed into Nato during its 60th anniversary summit in Strasbourg, France, and Kehl, Germany, later this week
Has no one realized that there is absolutely no point for NATO to exist anymore?
I wouldn't say the organization is completely useless, that status is reserved for the U.N.
You obviosly have no idea on the (ir)relevance of either institution.
Since the end of the Cold War, NATO's chief objective was to maintain the Alliance in efforts for collective security accross teh globe, whereas any attack on any member of teh Alliance would be an attack on teh other (members). As you know, membership has increased to allow for a more representative global arena, including former rouge states and states that were less than democratic in teh past, and that their membership would indicate that they made significant improvements in their state institutions to fall in line with democratic transition, et al.
This is particulary important because as mor and more members join, it sets teh standards by how states will engage -- with a unified voice where all agree on the objective/campaign, and most importantly since its creation, NO NATO MEMBER HAS EVER ATTACKED ANOTHER NATO MEMBER.
Re the UN, it is a total failure, diminished to peace-keeping operations as its only effective tool. It never tenscended into a "world government" as teh founders expected in SanFran at the end of WWII. This is evidenced by the failure to prevent the US frpom attacking Iraq in '03 when the UN (and Sec Council) clearly objected to the war, but the US went ahead anyway, with no penalty/sanctions. And finally, their "resolutions" are only lip-service, they are non-binding and worthless, as evidenced by teh many passed along onto Iraq and Serbia for their atrocities ......
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