NY Times
The Russian ambassador, Vitaly I. Churkin, said the revision “has not changed anything,” and when asked whether Russia would veto it, he said: “I do not like use of this word. But you are guessing well what is on my mind.”
Zalmay Khalilzad, the American ambassador, said that the United States would still push for a vote next week and that it was now up to Russia to come up with suggestions for resolving the impasse. He pledged to “make every effort to accommodate to constructive ideas and suggestions from our Russian colleagues.”
The resolution supports the plan by the United Nations mediator Martti Ahtisaari that would end United Nations administration of Kosovo in four months and have the European Union take over a supervised transition to independence.
United Nations, May 31, 2007 — Russia on Thursday rejected a revised draft of a Security Council resolution advancing a plan for supervised independence of the disputed Serbian province of Kosovo.
The Russian ambassador, Vitaly I. Churkin, said the revision “has not changed anything,” and when asked whether Russia would veto it, he said: “I do not like use of this word. But you are guessing well what is on my mind.”
Zalmay Khalilzad, the American ambassador, said that the United States would still push for a vote next week and that it was now up to Russia to come up with suggestions for resolving the impasse. He pledged to “make every effort to accommodate to constructive ideas and suggestions from our Russian colleagues.”
The resolution supports the plan by the United Nations mediator Martti Ahtisaari that would end United Nations administration of Kosovo in four months and have the European Union take over a supervised transition to independence.
Russia is desperate! They lost everything they once were and now are trying to reassert themselves.
But opposing the West is something from teh Communsit era, they are used to this.
Serbia means nothing more than just a negotiating tool for Russia, what do they care about the Serbs??
I think Kosova should unilaterally declare independence! Then the USA and the rest will recognize them.
It is absurd for Serbia to request new UN talks. What do they think, Athisaari's work was flawed? All that research and negotiations go to waste? Teh truth is that Serbia and Kosova held numerous rounds of talks, with no fruitation. Why do teh Serbs think new rounds will change anything?
For Allah's sake, KOSOVA IS INDEPENDENT FROM SERBIA, this is only delaying the process, nothing else will change.
KOSOVA -- stand up and delare independence! The world is behind you!!
What has happened in Kosovo at the end of the 90's was the first advice of the changes that we're facing now. A sovereign country like it was Serbia and Montenegro, can be invaded by foreign powers in the so called name of "human rights" or "human assistance"?
Only the UN is called to intervene in a sovereign country if the basic human rights were taken down. But NATO doesn't have that right. However, in the need to blackmail the American public opinion from the Lewinsky's affaire and to show the American hegemony over Europe, the war started in 1999 in Serbia.
One of the objectives was to intimidate Russia by attacking one of its closest ally that remained from the Cold War era -by the way, Serbia is a historical Russian ally and nobody in the West knows about "paneslavism". But Russia surprised the NATO's forces by deploying paratroopers in Pristina's airport before the end of the combats.
And for those Albanians that now are claiming the independance of Kosovo, I would like to remind them that they are refugees who came to Serbian territory after the collapse of the Albanian communist government at the end of the 90's.
Maybe, if you try to find answers over the Iraqi disaster after the 2003 invasion, this issue can offer us a very good and clear answer of what's going on now.
Albanian Catholics are next. Do not forget who the Kosovars are. They hate the Serbs because of their religion, and for nothing else. We next on their list.
All Albanians must convert at this point. We are a Muslim nation, and with Allahu's help we will become the only Islamic nation in Europe
Shut up and go to sleep.
Thaci advised that Kosova WILL NOT be an Islamic state. Did you hear that.
I'm sure Islamabad has a position for you. Go there.,
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