Monday, October 15, 2012

Nimanbegu: "We do not want to serve as a decoration in government"

The practice of the ruling coalition to cooperate with one Albanian party is not a good position for Albanians in Montenegro, said Genci Nimanbegu of FORCA today.

Nimanbegu evaded direct responses to anyone inquiring if FORCA will cooperate in a coalition with other governments, and stated that the first step will be to arrange Albanian deputies in a common platform.
He said that FORCA Unity has clear political demands, conditions that must be met for the creation of any future alliance with the authorities in Montenegro.

"What we seek is a partnership because we do not want to serve as decoration in the government."
“For FORCA Unity, the priority is to decentralize power and strengthen the rule of law and the implementation of the Constitution, claims Nimanbegu.

"This is especially true in the full exercise of the Municipality of Malesia-Tuzi, and correcting the injustice imposed on the boundaries of the coastal zone in Ulcinj, and faster remedies regarding  the return of property and property rights," he said.  He added that FORCA continues to strive in strengthening the national identity of Albanians, their culture and tradition.

Nimanbegu argues that decentralization is required in the field of education, health, public administration, but also in the field of finance and taxation.

"Uniform economic development that would affect the reduction of regional disparities, increasing employment and stopping emigration, especially in the areas of Malësia, Gusi and Kraja, "he said, adding that it is in the spirit of European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

"We believe that integration into EU and NATO requires advancement in the fields of minority rights as well as to attract investment," he said.

Nimanbegu denied talks about the creation of an Albanian Party of a broader coalition; FORCA is ultimately looking for a place in minority’s ministry in the future government.

"We believe that it is necessary to show that Albanians have the potential to cover more responsible positions in the Ministry of Government and assistant minority sectors," he claimed.

He recalled that the Albanian deputies club had a meeting with Prime Minister Igor Luksic, where most of their political demands were perceived as "realistic and achievable".

He asserted that in politics, mutual trust is needed in order to have clear results, with deadlines and common goals.  “With the opposition, we can have common goals, but we also have significant differences.”  

Nimanbegu stated that the long-term goal of FORCA is to create greater unity among the Albanian parties.
The demands of Albanians in Montenegro, in his opinion, are easy to realize "if you talk the same, and speak  with one voice."


Anonymous said...

What Genci says is good. But will he have Sinishtaj on his side? If history is any evidence, Vaseli will turn on Genci and pursue his own agenda.

Anonymous said...

He will have him. Don't worry nwhy don't you Albanians from Diaspora stay in your own business. You lawyers and real state agents leave Malesia to Malesores. Leave us alone. No one needs your help.

You supported Anton and it shows how stupid and un informed you are about our politics. You shpijuna would instead ruin our cause and support losers than support our real candidate. Vaseli!

Mali said...

Why you no add list or foto of Albanians in Dijaspora who also "Anti-Albanian", lik you picture of Mili, Ferhati, Nikolla that you put in you first page?

I tink you add Gjergj Ivezaj, Ndue Ivanaj, Joseph Dedvukaj, Dr. Paloke 'Paul' Camaj.

Tey suport candidat (antoni Lulgutaj) who get worse votes in all Montenegro -- 0.1%