Agim Ceku’s political advisor, Azem Vlasi, recently made a thoughtless assertion that Kosova has “no territorial claims at all to Montenegro,” thus refuting the historic and geographic claim Albanians maintain in Malësia, Ulqini, Plava & Gucia, Kraja, and Ana e Malit – dating back to Illyrian eons.
Republika: Kosovo has no territorial claims to Montenegro
PRISHTINA, KOSOVA, February 11, 2007 – “Independent Kosovo has no territorial claims at all to Montenegro”, Azem Vlasi, advisor of Kosovo’s Prime Minister Agim Ceku on the relations with Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia told the Montenegrin newspaper Republika. Kosovo’s institutions and all major political parties have already stated clearly that they have no territorial claims to any of the neighboring states and that they recognize the current borders of Montenegro, Azem Vlasi said. He explained that there were no opened issued between Kosovo and Montenegro and their future relations should be all-round and friendly.
Republika: Kosovo has no territorial claims to Montenegro
PRISHTINA, KOSOVA, February 11, 2007 – “Independent Kosovo has no territorial claims at all to Montenegro”, Azem Vlasi, advisor of Kosovo’s Prime Minister Agim Ceku on the relations with Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia told the Montenegrin newspaper Republika. Kosovo’s institutions and all major political parties have already stated clearly that they have no territorial claims to any of the neighboring states and that they recognize the current borders of Montenegro, Azem Vlasi said. He explained that there were no opened issued between Kosovo and Montenegro and their future relations should be all-round and friendly.
Source: Focus News Agency
That's interesting because Kosova is claiming territory in Macedonia.
Didn't Vlasi spend some time in jail?
Anyhow, who cares what he says; the fate of the Albanians from Montenegro will be up to Albanians from Montenegro ... right?
The Balkans are in a state of "anarchy" or a "self-help" system according to the neorealists view of the world, thus everyone is out for their own best interests -- power politics at its best!!
If it's albanian land shouldn't Kosova claim it? But do malesors want to be part of Kosova? If kosova is aloud to claim this land, the malesors should have a say in this.
what did you just say?
Of course Kosova has no territorial claims. It’s all a Slavic propaganda. At the same time, it should be pointed out that, Albanians in Montenegro don’t enjoy the same rights as other minorities in the region. Whatever rights are granted to Kosovo Serbs should be granted to Albanians in Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia. The only way to get a sense of stability in the region is for all countries to treat the minorities in the same way. I think that’s fair.
I don’t believe Malesia has a chance of uniting with Albania or Kosovo, nor would I support that scenario. It is unfair that Malesia was granted to Prince Nikolla in 1879 by the Berlin Congress, but we need to get over it. By the way, anybody who is interested in knowing more about this part of the world should read The Highland Lute by Gergj Fishta. This book details in a poetic style how Albanian lands, including Malesia were partitioned in late 19th century with the help of Russia and Ottoman Empire. I highly recommend this book. It’s fantastic!
In any case, I think Albania and Kosovo will do their utmost to protect the rights of Albanians in Montenegro and Macedonia. Rest assured of that!
Thank you, balkan update, for clarification. Just to add some thoughts: Many agree that Albanians in Montenegro are not just another 'minority people' but an indigenous people, so they should claim equal status as all other citizens. The real prolem are not formal (constitutional) provisions, but rather practices of assimilation, discrimination, etc. This cannot be settled down only by copy&paste of solutions from other countries in the region. And I believe hat Albanians in Monenegro should claim their rights (in practice, not only on paper) based on international and european standards and domestic committments, rather than linking them direcly to the position of Serbs in Kosova, and so on. Albanians in Montenegro have different political position and therefore should fight for their rights in a different way. Minority rights standards in the region are just the bottom line.
What do you mean "different political position"? Minority rights are minority rights protected by international, regional and state laws, what else is there?
At a minimum, Albanians in Montenego are (supposed to be) afforded equal rights under the law in Montenegro, and rights due to them according to the UN Charter and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICPPR).
There are no "special rights" because they are Albanians. Albanians would be lucky if they can enjoy these rights just to start with. Stop thinking in a grandeur style and be more realistic. Kosova or/and Malesia -- either way you look at it, the Albanian question looms over both
The fatal consequence transpiring in the Balkans is that policymakers and elites are dealing with the Balkans (states) in a case-by-case style; hence in a reactionary method instead of a preventive approach.
The ideal procedure would be to apply Martii Ahtisaari's plan on decentralization and minority protection to every state across the board -- to every region that experiences ethhnic cleavages and dire relations as a result.
A double-standard is taking place, and mark my words -- the international community will have to account for their ignorance in Montenegro just as they will in Preseva, Tetova and elsewhere.
They can nip it at the bud now and alleviate the pains they will face in the future, but this is the Balkans, and the same screw-ups that sliced and diced the Balkans in 1879 are doing it all over.
History has taught them nothing -- hence history is bound to repeat herself!!
"Different political position" means that they have political representatives in the parliament and local government who have enough knowledge and political experience to stand for their rights on day-to day basis. That's all. Nobody mentioned "special rights" for Albanians. Even Ahtisari's plan will work only if it is APPLIED in practice, no matter how good it looks on paper.
There is no universal solution to anything, but there are minimum standards - just think about the "minority rights" across the European Union"...
The universal solution is adherence to universal human rights doctrine, period. But alas, there is a trick here...
And indeed, let us look at minority rights' standards within and across Europe and the rest of the globe; it is a fact that sovereign states are the final authority with respect to human/minority/ethnic rights/laws and their implementation (otherwise the Cham and ppls of Darfur would be saved), and unless there is a treaty that binds states together, no international organization or state can intervene in the domestic affairs of any state (hence the argument that NATO bombing Serbia did breach international law is valid).
Although the European Union makes minority rights a pre-requisite for membership, many of its member-states contradict their own laws and the spirit of EU laws (e.g., France, the UK, Greece, Germany and Spain). Thus minority rights are a sticky subject any way you want to look at it. Just remember one thing, framing international minority rights laws is one thing, enforcing them is another -- In the international realm, there is no agency/organization/institution that can enforce this.
What "neorealist anarchy" are you talking about, Anonymous? Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia are sovereign states whose territorial integrity is not at issue, as far as the international community is concerned.
The reason Kosovo has become contentious is, primarily, because of its undefined status, and (most importantly) it's autonomous status in former Yugoslavia.
Assailing the territorial integrity of Montenegro and Macedonia plays right into the hands of Serbs nationalists...because it helps their argument that Albanians would not be satisfied with Kosovo...and that Kosovo's independence would be a pretext for armed rebellions in other parts of former Yugoslavia...kinda like what Serbs did in the 90's!
Vllasi is a skilled politician and knows EXACTLY what to say/how to frame the issues...so Albanians should DEFINITELY care about what he says.
You believe that Macedonia's territory is not an issue? Have you observed the rhetoric coming out of Bulgaria, Greece, and Kosovo regarding (historical) claims to this territory.
I think the international community is getting tired of hearing Serbia making claims of an "ethnic Albania" etc., etc.
Of course we know that no one wants to co-exist with Serbia, the 90's made that clear, and the final seperation (I believe) are the Albanians in Kosove, including those in the Presevo Valley -- yes I said Preseve Valley.
Regarding Vllasi, his comments are dumbfounding, does he really know what he means by them?
lol. No wonder you Kosovars are having such a hard time getting your independence...you're all political amateurs (well, except for Vllasi).
Are you guys listening to yourselves? You sound like the Serbs...."the fate of the Albanians (Serbs) in Montenegro (Croatia) will be up to Albanians (Serbs) from Montenegro...right?"
You guys sound like the Krajina Serbs! lol
More importantly, how do you think that sounds to the international community? More chaos, further instability and potential armed conflict. You can't even secure Kosovo's independence and you're already talking about carving up existing/internationally-recognized countries! lol
Instead of attacking Vllasi, did you ever stop and think "hmmm...WHY is he REALLY saying this?...is he simply expressing his personal feelings or is he trying to alleviate any concerns the West may have with the "domino effect" Kosovo's independence may have on the surrounding states?" or "Does Vllasi really want the Albanians governed by Montenegrans/Macedonians that much?"
The problem with you guys, and your politicians, is that you don't know how to play the diplomacy game and have absolutely no political strategy. Look at Kosovo! That should've been a done deal years ago, yet, the Serbs keep running circles around you in Vienna.
I wish you all the best, I really do, but you guys are ass-backwards when it comes to politics/diplomacy.
(previous post authored by: Ante)
First of all, I am not a Kosovar, one only needs to be Albanian to understnd teh jist of the commenst above, however your limited capacity in this front hinders your ability to accomplish this.
If you read your political literature in college and followed mainstream foreign/European policy analysis you will then understand that the aforementioned comments have not been conceived by the ALbanian question, but have been the result of centuries of the strugglkes people like ALbanians have endured, and consequently reacted upon, due to their maltreatment of such peoples.
Re Kosova, the international community is in a bind, they don't know what to do in a situation that historically was availkded and teh stronger state wins, now we have teh weaker state in a control position and for teh fist time in history the weaker stae will prevail -- ie, independence.
Re Diplomacy -- we know very well what diplomacy is, but there are times when we can't afford to be civilized. We are trained and read in diplomacy, so dont waste your time questioning that
Also interesting that Agim Ceku is a Croat war criminal.
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