Friday, January 06, 2012

1,000 Euro Fine for Displaying Albanian Flag

Montenegro, a country that already has received candidate status for EU membership and expects the opening of accession negotiations is requiring minorities to receive a special permit before they can display their national flags and those that violate this clause risk fines of up to 1000 euros.

A decision is expected to be passed in the parliament of Montenegro. There has not yet been an international response whether or not this law violates minority rights, as the law not only prohibits the use of an Albanian flag, but any other flag representing other states.

Source: Shekulli


Anonymous said...

They should penalize them 10.000 euros, plus 2 years in Spuzh prison for using their flag. Albanians voted for Montenegro's independence, also majority of them vote for DPS. I just don't understand how silly, naive, and thoughtless can Albanians be in Montenegro!

Anonymous said...

I wish someone would have written on thsi blog about the meeting @ St Paul albanian church with Vasel Sinistaj.

I was there with some friends after mass. It was funny. This jackass two-face deputy sat there with the balls to lie before all who attended. He even swore on his children that he is in it for the real cause, to better albanians in malesia and that everyone else was a fake.

This guy is something else. I wish rrok dedvukaj would have got up and kicked his ass for what he said about him being a terrorist.

What makes it more disturbing is that Montenegrin Spy #1: Luigj Gjokaj was escorting Sinistaj around with that Lulgjuraj guy from Florida. What a team! Many of us got sick to our stomaches listening to him spill lies to everyone. Malesor have really reached new lows.

Anonymous said...

Si me thane disa qe jane ken aty ate dite hala skan tije kan ka rren ma shume ne emen te Zotit e ne emen te popullit se Liberallcin per 15 vjet e tash patriotin fallc vasel sinishtaj. Lubisha me john medemallin e kan pru e po e reklamojne por kot e kane se populli i njeh. Pasha jat zot ne qiell ktyne u ka hi trama prej jatij djalis ri en malesi ci sado koh ci tshkojne ka me i ba me fole me vetin e kan me trypnua. Para se me ardhe ketu vaseli asht ken ne bruksel per me perkrah malin e zi me hi ne evrope e belda per ate pune ka ardhe edhe ktu.Por ska me shkua large e kame u dite gjithcka.

Anonymous said...

Boycott Montenegro Now. Allbanians click here