Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Letter from U.S Ambassador in Montenegro Concerning Ethnic Albanians.

Dear Mr. Levin:

Thank you for your letter of January 18 regarding the treatment of ethnic Albanians in Montenegro,  Ethnic Albanians have made, and continue to make, crucial contributions to Montenegro’s success and stability, and they must have a voice in Montenegro’s future for the country to fully prosper.  Our embassy in Podgorica is committed to working with the Government of Montenegro to ensure that the rights of all ethnic minorities are fully protected.

As part of this effort, our Embassy maintains regular contact with Montenegro’s ethnic Albanian population.  In 2011, Ambassador Brown participated in the inauguration of an Islamic center and mosque in Besi, an event attended by several hundred members of the Montenegrin Diaspora, most of them ethnic Albanian.  The Ambassador also traveled to Ulcinj, home of Montenegro’s largest ethnic Albanian community, to meet with local leaders and to observe Iftar.  She has also accepted an invitation to visit Tuzi and plans to travel there early this year.

It may also interest you to know that the Prime Minister of Albania visited Montenegro on January 25, 2012, and emphasized that Albania appreciates the significant progress Montenegro has made in protecting the rights of its ethnic Albanians.  The Albanian and Montenegrin prime ministers signed an agreement on the joint border crossing of Zatrijebacka Cijevna-Grabon (near Podgorica) and the border point Vranic-Cerem (near Plav) that allows citizens of both countries to cross the border with only national identification cards.  The Albanian Prime Minister also visited Ulcinj where he met with the mayor of the city.

Also, on January 30, Prime Minister Luksic and the Reis of the Islamic Community in Montenegro, Rifat Fejzic, signed an agreement regarding the government’s and religious community’s mutual relationship.  This agreement provides details regarding restitution and property claims, calls to prayer, public displays of religious clothing and other issues.  Mr. Fejzic said that the signing of the agreement was “a historical event, since it signifies the continuity of the Islamic Community.”

Ambassador Brown has expressed her willingness to meet with representatives of the American-Albanian community whenever they are in Montenegro.  Thank you again for your interest in this matter.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of further help with this or any other issue.


Davis S. Adams

Assistant Secretary
Legislative Affairs


Mark said...

Wow! Not one mention of Malesia's municipality. I guess Brown does not want touch it with a ten-foot pole.

The letter was more pro-Montenegrin than anything else. I mean, she is insisting that Albanians in Montenegro are making progress because Berisha said so?

No Albanian in their right mind will agree with Berisha's assertion that: ""...significant progress Montenegro has made in protecting the rights of ethnic Albanians."

That is absurd. And because Brown acknowledges that in her letter, it is even more absurd!

And Brown's comments on the Islamic community are equally shallow. The agreements that were signed are provisions that are required (by international law) to already be in place. Luksic is scrambling to "dot the i's and cross the t's" so progress is made towards EU integration. Fejzic is ignorant in saying that the agreement was a "historic event," how can having your rights protected be historic? This is an inherent right that is protected, not signed into an agreement!

In sum, this response to Sandy Levin's letter in January is insubstantial and says nothing that would give us an added impetus to work harded.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. I mean, what contacts does the U.S. State Department keep with Albanians from Montenegro, as the letter suggests?

It must be with the likes of Fran Lulgjuraj, Nikolle Gegaj, Ferhat Dinosha, etc. (i.e., Slavic sympathizers), because the Albanians I know have absolutely no contact with State.

Let's not be fooled people (and I would emphasize this to the State Department), Montenegro IS NOT making strides in appeasing the rights of Albanians in that country, by any stretch of their imagination. The United States must look beyond the smoking mirrors and see the real issues facing Albanians!

Simon said...

Listen up people, don't expect too much (constructive) intervention from the State Department.

As long as Montenegro acts "democratically" in the region, they are golden. State won't give two-cents about the Albanian issue unless violent crimes (rape, executions, expulsion, etc.) take place (eg. Kosova 1999).

Continued work with Members of Congress and NGOs is the best bet.

Anonymous said...

I think Luksic wrote the letter and Brown signed it.

Anonymous said...

Not a single Albanian political challenge has been addressed in this letter from Ambassador Brown. It doesn't mention or recognize that ethnic Albanians in Montenegro have been institutionally discriminated for decades. The Albanian culture, language, history and education are gradually evaporating,forcing them to assimilate and now, have positioned themselves at the edge of extinction.

We can blame all you want Ambassador Brown, but the blame and shame goes directly to the ethnic Albanians in Montenegro, that have unconditionally supported and embraced the state of Montenegro, and in return, this state paved a smooth road toward their assimilation. Most of the Albanians have hesitated to take a tougher stand against injustice; Montenegro has failed them to preserve their national identity. So, who do we blame? Ourselves!

Altin said...

Yes, there is a double-edged sword that is very sharp and painful to overcome.

Albanians know very well that we are our worst enemies. Ideally/realistically, our Albanians in Montenegro should be pleading Podgorica, EU institutions, foreign embassies, and NGOs endlessly. They have real issues that are easily arguable and in their favor to win. But they remain mute. Especially these elected buffoons that collect their 2,000 euros/month and call it a day. They will only work enough to be perceived as doing something, everything else is window-dressing.

The letter form Amb. Brown is a stab at our intelligence. How can anyone claim that progress is being made? What about the decades of land confiscation, the purging of our natural resources without any kick-back revenue to develop our communities, the savagery in diluting our people by strategically placing Bosniaks in our backyards, and on and on ...

The only remedy is for Albanians to take matters into their own hands and stop relying on others. The USA is not going to save us! What do they care about minority rights in a small enclave in Montenegro? As long as Podgorica does most of the things the US requires, everything is going to be OK.

Anonymous said...

The letter is a carbon copy of hundreds or more year old letters or statments where Albanians are intentionally identified and depicted with Muslim community and their Asiatic culture.

This is a very hard blow that is very hard to endure.

Until when the world is going to understand that they are perpetuating a grave fraud.

Anonymous said...

Albania must lobby their own cause and plea to the international community in order to get any kind of international recognition....they need to do a lot more!

Anonymous said...

Albanians in Montenegro need to do this! Albanians in the Diaspora will play a supporting role.

It is not too late for Malesore to act and do something that will improve their situation, but they must act swiftly or risk being swept away after EU integration.

If a Kamuna is not granted to Malesia soon, it will only be a matter of time before a different group becomes a majority and rules (administratively) that region. When this happens, Albanians in Montenegro are doomed!

Anonymous said...

Mali I Zi, pa hesitime dhe frig i kalon ligjet qe efektojn vetem shqiptaret, keshtu qe keto ligje i kufizon dhe perjashton shqipatret nga participimi ne intucionet shtetrore. Per te ekzekutuar ket strategji, ato avancojne disa person shqiptare. Keta individe shqiptare qe perdoren nga maqineria malazeze, i gezojne te gjitha privelegjet e bile edhe me shume se vet malazezet, vetem per ti perdorur keta individe per uzurpimin dhe zhdukjen e indentitetit ton kombetare. Kjo eshte shume e qart ai qe jeton ne ket shtet, se as Boshnjaket, muslimanet, Serbet dhe Kroatet nuk kerojne ruejtje apo permisim e statusit se kombesi se vet, keto pakica kerkojne vetem permisimin e ghendjes soci-ekonomike, si te gjith malazezet. Ky fenomen , qe eshte plani malazes shteror duhet me ju spjegua edhe Ambasadore Brown, Levins, Eangler, te gjitha instituticionve amerikane dhe everopjane. Per fat te keq, politicient shqipetar nuk e potenciojne ket fakt, sepse Podgorica me nje her do ti largonte nga mekanizmet e tyre , dhe se do te mbetshin pa keto privilegje shtetrore. Avancohet 100 shqipatre ne Mal te Zi, per ti mbajture situaten ne qetsi dhe heshtje der sa ti asimilojn mbi 40.000 tjere shqipetar. Kjo eshte sfida numer 1 e shtetit te Malit te Zi!
Ne duhet te punojm dhe veprojme me shume, te kontaktojme e organizojme komunitetet shqiptare ne Mal te Zi me mire, dhe keshtu te apelojme par arenes nderkombetare per respektimin e qenjes son njerzore. Ne ne Mal te zi jemi duke kerkuar vetem te drejtat trashigimore, qe as nje shtet as institución nuk ka te drejt te rrembejne. Ne keto te drejta ne i ka marr ky shtet. Eshte momenti i fundit qe ne veht ti mbrojme ket te drejta elemnare. Nese ne nuk i mbrojme ateher kush do te na i mbrojne!? Nese disa individe mendojne se tjeter kush do te na e sijedh lirin, ateher jeton me imagjinata. Lesonin mundesh ta shifsh edhe me shqipataret tjer te Balkanit, vetem ate qe agresivishte ka kerkuar te drejtat e veta kombetare, i kan fitua. Ne ne Mal te zi, do te presim qe Podgorica me Gjukanoviqa t’na i sijedhin te drejtat elemetare njerzore….ve c prit Malesi edhe nja 10 vite aterher do te shifsh se cila populesi do te kontrollojn elektoratin tende!
Ateher une ne ate moment, si Guri, do mbroj fshatin tim dhe familjen time, qe te mbesin shqipatre. Ndersa, individet qe jan duke i ndihmuare ne ket planifikim Malit te Zi, do te shpallen si tradhtare e Malesise dhe te kombit Shqiptare.

Anonymous said...

Someone should educate this bitch (Suzy Brown) on the real issues affecting Albanians in Montenegro. She did not write that letter, tat I know. It's a template that was written for her from the previous regime, all her staff had to do was change the date and stamp her signature on hat piece of paper.

Wake up people! The State Department is not your friend! If you want anything done, befriend congressional figures and push your agenda that way!

Anonymous said...

I agree. What the hell does she know what is going on in Malesia? Everything is prepared for her. Podgorica got to her first and has corrupted her views.

I also agree that she can't be counted on from this point on. If anyone meets with her all they will get is lip service via Podgorica.

Anonymous said...